5 Ways to Flatten Your Abs

5 Ways to Flatten Your Abs

5 Ways to Flatten Your Abs


Flattening your stomach is a lot of work, but it’s worth it. The right diet and exercise plan will help you get the body you want and make it easy to stay in shape. In this article, we will also talk about 5 simple exercises you can do every day that will help flatten your abs!

Work Your Core

The core is the most important muscle group in your body, and it’s important to work it out every day. You can do this by doing sit-ups or other types of abdominal exercises first thing in the morning. This will help you feel more energized throughout the day, which means you’ll be more motivated to exercise regularly throughout your day.

When most people think of core strength, they think of the abdominal muscles in your stomach. In fact, your core muscles encompass a wide range of muscles throughout your body, including those in your trunk, chest, back, and glutes.

Regularly working out your core is important because it helps to keep your back, neck and shoulders strong. This can help prevent injuries and reduce pain caused by poor posture while sitting at a desk all day.

Working out your core is also important because it helps you to lose weight faster. By strengthening this area of your body, you’ll burn more calories throughout the day, which will help you reach your weight-loss goals even faster.

Do Cardio 30 Minutes a Day

Cardio is important for weight loss, which also helps to flatten your tummy. The more you move, the faster your metabolism works and the more calories you burn. It’s also great for heart health because it helps keep blood pressure in check and lowers levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). If you’re not a fan of cardio, try swimming or running outdoors instead—you’ll get the same benefits without having to work out in a gym!

If this sounds like something that would be fun for you, try incorporating some form of cardiovascular activity into your daily routine by doing 30 minutes on most days of the week. You can do this whether at home or at the gym: just make sure it counts at least once every day!

Follow a Low Carb Diet

There are many health benefits of following a low carb diet. It has been shown to be effective in weight loss and can help control blood sugar, which is good for your heart and brain.

The Paleo diet focuses on whole foods like meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. The goal is to eat foods that were available during the Paleolithic era (about 2 million years ago) when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers who lived off their land without any processed foods or additives like sugar or salt.

The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, high fat diet that is similar to the Atkins and other low carb diets.

It entails drastically lowering carbohydrate consumption and replacing it with fat. This carbohydrate restriction puts your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis.

This causes your body to become extremely efficient at burning fat for energy. It also converts fat to ketones in the liver, which can provide energy for the brain.

Try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

If you’re looking to get rid of flabby abs, one of the best ways is HIIT. It’s also one of the most effective ways to burn fat and tone your abs, so if you’re ready to get started on this journey then let’s take a look at some steps in getting started with HIIT!

Let me explain: HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training and refers specifically to exercises where you go from low intensity (resting) periods followed by higher intensities (during which you should be breathing hard). This can include running or walking fast for short distances (like 20 seconds), followed by lower intensities such as jogging or walking for several minutes before repeating this cycle again—and again…and again…and again!

You need to take care of your whole body to get a flat stomach.

When you’re looking to flatten your stomach, it’s important to remember that you need a whole-body approach. Exercise can help sculpt your abs, but if the rest of your body isn’t in good shape, then those muscles won’t be able to support them. If you want to see real results from working out and eating healthy foods, make sure that all aspects of your lifestyle are aligned with this goal—exercise regularly (at least three times per week), get enough sleep every night and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

It’s also important not to forget about nutrition: avoid processed foods wherever possible; instead opt for whole grains or fruits and vegetables (these will contain fewer calories than processed options).

You can do these 5 simple exercises to get a flatter stomach!

1. Plank

The plank is a full-body exercise that works your abs, lower back, glutes, and arms. It promotes overall body stability while also burning calories quickly.

Another advantage of this exercise is that it can be performed anywhere, so no gym is required. With this exercise, you are counting seconds rather than repetitions, so instead of doing repetitions, aim for 20-30 seconds, or, hold for as long as you can.


Begin on the ground, with your stomach facing the ground.

Place forearms on the floor, elbows aligned with shoulders and body in a straight line.

Tense the glutes and abs, and hold the position for the desired amount of time. Do not allow the lower back to sag or protrude into the air.

The Plank


2. Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle crunches are another move that targets the stomach area. This exercise works the abdominal and oblique muscles. It is a simple exercise that anyone, regardless of ability, can perform.

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs off the floor, bent.

Try to bring the opposing knee and elbow together with your elbows wide, and repeat on both sides.

Check that your elbows are not closing in on your face.

Straighten the opposing leg without touching the floor as you bring one knee in close to your chest.

Repeat the same number of times on each side.Bicycle Crunch

3. Leg Raises/Hip Lifts

Leg raises are a great core exercise that you can do. This exercise focuses on your ab muscles, particularly the lower abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back with your hands on your sides or slightly under your buttocks.

Raise your legs straight into the air, and for added difficulty, try to lift your hips off the floor.

Lower the legs again, but try to keep them off the ground (you can touch the floor to make the movement easier).Leg Raises/Hip Lifts

4. The Glute Bridge

The glute bridge primarily targets your tush but also works out your belly by engaging both your glutes and abdominal muscles at the same time.

Begin by lying on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor.

Raise your glutes towards the ceiling while pushing through your heels, but not so far that you create an arch in your lower back. You should be engaging your core at this point, as if you were trying to suck in your belly button.

Lower your butt to the floor after a few seconds of holding.Glute Bridge

5. Side Plank

The side plank works the obliques in the same way that the regular plank works the abdominal muscles; by focusing on stability, it really works the side torso area.

Begin in the same position as a standard plank.

Turn your body to one side, resting on one arm and one of your feet.

Maintain a straight line from toes to shoulder without allowing your hips to sag; you should feel it on the sides of your torso.

If doing a full side plank is too difficult, try bending the legs and doing a side plank from the knees up.

This is an exercise in which you hold for a period of time rather than doing repetitions, similar to the plank.

Try this exercise 2-3 times per week for three sets of 20-30 seconds each.Side Plank

Of course there are many more abdominal exercises such as the basic Sit up, but, I think these ones are my favorites.

Now that you have your list of exercises, it’s time to get to work!

Before starting any exercise program (or diet plan), make sure you check with your health care provider to make sure these exercises are suitable for you.

Make sure you also have enough space in which to do these exercises safely; if there isn’t enough room for proper form when doing certain exercises like squats or sit-ups then alterations may need made so as not hurt yourself further during these workouts.


We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to flatten your stomach. If you have any questions about the exercises or tips we’ve provided here, please feel free to leave a comment below! We’ll be happy to help.

Check out our Exercise Tab for more fitness tips.

**Before starting any new exercise regime, see your doctor, especially if you are taking any medications, have any health issues or injuries, or plan to participate in a high-intensity class.**



Keto Diet


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  1. Great information shared.. really enjoyed reading this post thank you author for sharing this post .. appreciated

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