80’s Aerobics Style Exercise Classes! Are They Still Popular?

aerobics dance classes exercise fitness

Back in the 80’s when I first became a Fitness Instructor, Aerobics dance classes were just taking off. So, I did the training and away I went.

I loved it, the exercises were fun and you were kept motivated because you were exercising to music.

There were a variety of different dance class styles. All fun and all targeting different levels of fitness and areas of the body to target.

Are these classes still popular today? It appears that a lot of Gyms still offer versions of these classes. You can also look online at places such as YouTube for videos with detailed Aerobic classes covering a vast range of styles.

One of the other things that comes to mind was the fashion of the 80’s for the classes. Leotards with colored socks and headbands. You can still find some classes today who still encourage you to dress like the 80’s.

aerobics 80's style

Everybody can probably remember some of the Instructors from that time. Jane Fonda comes to mind who was internationally well-known.

For me at the time, was Aerobics Oz Style. I learned a lot from following their exercise classes.

I am sure you can remember some well-known instructors too from that time. Please leave a comment and let me know who you followed!


Types of Aerobics Dance Classes

1. Cardio Dance ClassAerobics hand weights

2. Water Aerobics

3. Step Aerobics

4. Cycling Classes

5. New Body Classes (light hand weights used)

6. Elastic Band Classes (more towards resistance training)

7. Circuit training

These were some of the ones around during my time in the industry. I am sure there were different names and different styles depending on where you lived in the world. But, all were mainly done to music.


Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

1. Is so much fun you will forget that you are even exercising.

2. Is safe if you follow the instructions of the trainer

3. Covers all levels of fitness

4. You can work out at your own pace

5. Promotes a strong cardiovascular systemAerobics dance class

6. Helps you achieve a firm lean strong body

7. Great for stress release

8. Helps to maintain strong bones

9. Great for fat burning

10. Maintains flexibility

11. Helps to promote better sleep

12. Improved circulation, more energy and a greater self-esteem and so much more…..


Class Formats

With a typical Aerobics Dance class you would start with a warm up which usually went for about 5 minutes. The warm up would include slow movements and incorporate stretching movements to limber up the muscles ready for the higher intensity phase that would follow.

The higher intensity phase would go for anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes depending on the type of class you chose.

The different styles above would be included in this phase. For instance, if you went to a Step Aerobics class you would be doing this phase doing a variety of step routines of a step.

Following this phase you would move into the cooling down phase which would be slower movements like the warm up and then followed with a longer stretching session to finish off.

Most classes followed these steps. Some would also add in a strength phase after the cardio phase such as situps, pushup and squats.



So, will you be taking on an Aerobics Dance class in the future? I will be. They are fun and motivating and you really do see results. The benefits are still there as they were in the 80’s. Just make sure you do your research first on the Gym you may go to for these classes. If you decide to start using one of the many online classes, please make sure you check with your doctor first to make sure you are ok to start a vigorous exercise regime.

The best thing about this form of exercise is that you can combine it with a low carb diet plan to increase your weight loss even further.



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